Today I had going to the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) with my friend. Both of us had ordered one set of dinner plate with hot and spicy flavor. It had been one month and two weeks I havent ate the KFC. It feels likes a baby drop into a candy world. Actually I loves to eat KFC because of my parent. They had always brought me and my sisters and the younger brother to eat at KFC when we were at a very young age. When i entering into KFC, i feels like home. I feels warm and happy. Thats why the KFC will always be on my top list for my every meals. I loves KFC very much. YUMMY!!!
Two years ago, i am starting to play the guitar as one of my hobbies. I thinks that the girls are more attracting to those guys who know how to play the guitar. Thats the reason for me to start a hobby. How about you?
For some more information about the guitar, the guitar is a musical instrument with an ancient roots that adapts readily to a wide variety of musical styles. It typically has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen and eighteen string guitars also exist.
The size and shape of the neck and the base of the guitar also vary, producing a variety of sounds. The three main types of guitars are the electric guitar, the classical guitar, and the acoustic guitar. Sometimes the last two are put in the same category.
I loves to play the guitar before till now. But i will not stopping myself to play it ever after. Anyway, i wish i could know more friends who are also loves to play the guitar too. Maybe we could made some songs or grouping a band. guys just taste and see yourself. Have fun with your own guitar. Wish me lucks!!!
MIROTIC is the forth album that presented by TVXQ. I loves this album because of their new image that they had presented to all their fans and the Mirotic had a very meaningful lyric. The image that they were trying to show out are their maskuline side about themselves and they had also showing more skin or muscles of their body in Mirotic MV. They had trying to do a lots of new dance in this new MV and they had trying very hard in doing their works. I hope all of you will also enjoying in listening the Mirotic and supporting the TVXQ forever. TVXQ, I will support you forever.
今天是我, 阿森第一天写这个博客. 天气晴, 还有着微微的风. 心情还不错啦. 只是前几天我和她发生了一点点的小误会, 一个小小的又美丽又不完美的误会. 这误会也差点让我和她就连朋友都没得做. 这误会算小吗? 没有人知道. 可是这误会让我的心里真的很不好受. 之少这也让我了解到什么叫做爱情和友情.
一直以来, 我一直都在问我自己, 什么叫做爱情. 可是直到今天, 我终于才知道原来爱情是你以为不可失去的人, 却原来并非不是不可失去的. 就算你流干了眼泪, 自有另一个人逗你笑, 尤其是在你最伤心欲绝的时候. 然后发现原来你爱的人, 根本不值得你为之伤心和难过. 今天回首, 何尝不是一个喜剧? 情尽时, 自有另一番新的境界, 所有的悲哀也不过都是不堪回首的历史. 我在这里所提到的人不是我, 可是"逗你笑"的他却是我. 明白了吗? 哈哈哈...(苦笑中) 这真的要说的话, 可真的是说来话长...(叹气中)
因为在我, 阿森的字典里面爱情总是想象比现实来得更美丽, 相逢如是, 告别亦如是. 老实说我们以为爱得很深, 很深, 来日岁月, 它会让你知道所有的一切, 可是它不过只是很浅罢了. 最深最重的爱, 是必须要和时日一起成长. 我现在有着这样的想法会不会很老套啊? (发呆中)
其实, 我深信在这个全世界的人应该都相信爱情绝对是可以令一个人改变的. 也绝对是年轻的好处, 也可能是年轻的悲哀. 我承认我算是个浪子. 而浪子永远就是浪子。可是令男人改变的, 也许是上帝的爱或者佛祖的慈悲, 但绝对不会是女人. 最不宜谈情说爱的是浪子, 最适宜谈清说爱的也是浪子. 往往不是女人改变一个浪子,而是女人在浪子想改变的时候刚好出现. 可是也有可能是当一个女人只是在最需要爱情的时候, 浪子也就出现了.
不过我的心里始终还是会浮出一道疑问. 也就是那天你说你喜欢我是认真的吗? 因为当彼此都有意而不说出来是爱情的最高境界, 因为这个时候两人都在尽情享受眉眼, 尽情的享受目光相对时的火热心理, 尽情享受手指相碰时的惊心动魄. 一旦说出来,味道会淡许多, 因为两个人同意以后, 所有的行为都已被许可, 已有心理准备的了. 到最后慢慢变的麻木了. 你是不是也这么觉得? 请你告诉我. 好不好?...(无言)
今天我们又回到了最初的我们, 纯纯的友谊. 在这个世界上, 真正的友谊是不掺杂任何杂质,没有价钱可讲的. 在很多的时候, 你如果还需要我的时候, 我将会是第一个不请自来的人,你有事的时候, 我就会奋不顾身来帮你. “海纳百川,有容乃大”. 你了解这句话的意义吗? 真正的友谊是要经得起考验的, 廉颇蔺相如如果没有先国家之急而后私仇的宽大胸怀,便不会有负荆请罪的动人场面了. 你明白吗? 老实说, 之前我是真正的喜欢你. 可是直到现在我还想停流在你的身边, 做你的好朋友. 希望你不会介意. 好不好? “大腹能容容天下难容之事”.
老实说, 友谊不是某些人的专利,只要怀有一颗真诚的心,将心比心,我们就会得到真正所许要的友情的回报. 希望我能把真诚赠给所有的朋友. 我们就会赢得更多更多的朋友. 多一个朋友多一个世界,蓦然回首,我希望从今以后我就不会再是个孤独寂寞的浪人.